captain claw patch
Check out The Claw Recluse fansite if you want to download and play the game, it runs well on Windows 10 too thanks to a fanmade patch. We have a Discord server as well if you would like to join and chat with the other Claw fans. :)
Cursed with a berserker fury, the violent mutant known as Wolverine has a reputation of both as an outstanding super hero and as a lethal killer. Born as James Howlett to a wealthy Canadian family at the end of the 19th century, he was forced to abandon his family after the tragic manifestation of his bestial abilities of accelerated healing factor, keenly enhanced senses and bone claws in each hand. Adopting the name Logan, he wandered the world, living a long life filled with blood, war and betrayal,[75] having vile Sabretooth as his archenemy,[76] and the Japanese warrior Ogun as his sensei.[77] Unfortunately, by acting as a lone wolf, Logan was an unwitting subject of the Weapon X Program and had his bones coated in indestructible Adamantium, becoming an even more lethal asset.[78] Rescued and assisted by Mac and Heather Hudson, he joined Department H as a Canadian government operative known as the Wolverine.[79][80]
Thomas, in a drunken stupor and armed with a shotgun, invaded the Howlett Estate with his son and attempted to take his former lover Elizabeth with him. John, Sr. attempted to stop him, and Thomas shot him in the head, in cold blood. James had just entered the room when this occurred and his mutation finally manifested: bone claws extended from the backs of his hands and he attacked the intruders with uncharacteristic ferocity, killing Thomas and scarring Dog's face with three claw marks.[89] Already an emotionally disturbed woman since the death of her first son, Elizabeth, completely unhinged, drove James away and took her life immediately afterward with a blast from Thomas' gun.
But as Logan accepted Rose's decision and made sure that both her and Smitty could leave the mine and live a peaceful life, someone from Logan's past came back looking for revenge: Dog. Dog attacked Logan and started to beat him up in front of Rose but in the midst of the fight, Logan finally remembered who Dog was and what happened on the night his father was killed. He then defeated Dog and was about to kill him with his claws, Rose tried to stop Logan, but she accidentally fell and was impaled on his claws which killed her. Shocked by what happened, Logan's mind shut down and he decided to abandon the civilized world and lived with the wolves.[90]
At some point,[120] before leaving Canada, while in his Lotus Seven, Logan was pumped full of Thorazine, beaten, and kidnapped by a group of armed men from the Weapon X Project, possibly under Romulus' orders.[121] The man known only as the Professor, Dr. Abraham Cornelius, and Dr. Carol Hines then began to examine Logan while he floated in a containment tank. Logan's skeleton, including his claws, was bonded with the indestructible metal known as Adamantium, making it unbreakable, and burying his personality beneath the most intense brainwashing he had ever undergone.[122]
As a result of having his bones and claws laced with the adamantium, Wolverine's natural mutation which was slowly turning him feral was put into remission as the adamantium precipitated a chemical change within his body.[119] As a result of this experiment impeding his natural evolution, Wolverine's healing factor was weakened, and he healed slower than before.
Wandering in the woods, Logan was eventually discovered by Heather and James \"Mac\" Hudson, a young couple honeymooning in the Rockies, whom he attacked, only to be shot by James. While he was recovering, Logan regained enough of his human persona to be horrified at his claws, believing them to be artificial implants.[128] After recovering his mental faculties with the Hudson's help, Logan became a member of Canada's Department H the superhuman-oriented government agency James Hudson founded.[128]
Wolverine's speed and maneuverability proved to be a match for the two plodding powerhouses, but after realizing Hulk was a more formidable opponent, he changed tactics. Teaming up with Hulk to take out the Wendigo, Hulk threw the Wendigo into a patch of trees and Wolverine delivered the finishing blow. The Hulk and Wolverine kept on fighting, and as Hulk had by now grown so enraged that Wolverine's adamantium claws failed to penetrate his skin, he finally managed to temporarily knock Wolverine out.[129] Quickly back on his feet and despite his protests to keep fighting the Hulk, Wolverine was ordered to return to Department H while the Hulk was knocked out with a gas bomb and captured.[130]
After he made the first change to his costume and journeyed to Canada to make things right with Alpha Flight and Department H,[135] Logan started to investigate the return of his letters to Mariko and discovered that she had been married to an abusive husband, Noburu Hideki. Logan intended to kill her husband but was drugged and challenged to a duel of wooden swords by Mariko's father, Lord Shingen. During the duel, Logan was soundly beaten and humiliated in front of Mariko, due to the poisoning and Shingen using deadly pressure points. Logan then threw the sword and unsheathed his claws, only to be beaten more and revered as an \"animal cast in a semblance of human form\" for using deadly force in a non-lethal duel. With this act, Logan had dishonored himself to Mariko and was cast into the streets, where he was rescued by Yukio, later his close friend and sometimes lover. After being attacked by the Hand, Yukio manipulated Logan into helping her, which led to further embarrassment in front of Mariko.
Sometime after, Yuriko Oyama a.k.a. Lady Deathstrike tracked Logan, intending to kill him. Her father Lord Dark Wind invented the process that laced Logan's skeleton with adamantium but his work was stolen, and as a result she wanted Logan to return what she thought he had stolen from her father: his adamantium skeleton.[148] After being defeated a first time, Yuriko swore to defeat Wolverine and avenge both her honor and the honor of her father, to that end she went to see Spiral to be augmented into a cyborg with superhuman strength and Adamantium claws. Three former Hellfire Club soldiers that were severely injured by Wolverine when he saved the X-Men from the Hellfire Club also swore revenge on Logan, and as a result they were also changed into cyborgs and became the Reavers. Lady Deathstrike and her Reavers attacked Wolverine and almost killed him. Logan was aided by Katie Power and with her help he was able to recover from his wounds and defeat the Reavers. Logan then confronted Lady Deathstrike and after a violent battle he defeated her and was horrified to discover what Yuriko did to herself in order have her revenge against him. Despite Yuriko begging Logan to kill her out of mercy, he refused and told her she had to earn it.[149]
After flinching, Wolverine pulled too much, and Charlemagne was bleeding to death. At that time, Spider-Man arrived and attempted to stop Logan from killing her. A brutal fight broke out between the two. While on top of Spider-Man, Wolverine stated Spider-Man would have to use all of his strength to break Wolverine's neck, while he would just have to lash out his claws to kill Spider-Man. At that time, a government chopper arrived and the two split. In the confusion, Charlemagne snuck up on Spider-Man, aware that he was tense, and he gave a punch of super strength, killing her. Charlie died in Wolverine's arms and the agents left. After giving Spider-Man a fake passport, the pair returned home.[45]
After the X-Men were believed to be dead to the eyes of the world and relocated to Australia, Logan found Dave Chapel in the desert tortured and dying from exposure, To investigate this matter, Wolverine returned to Madripoor, to the Princess Bar, and saved O'Donnell from thugs of the crime boss Roche, while searching for \"the Tiger.\"[152] While at the bar, Logan realized that he was being watched and confronted the woman, who turned-out to be Jessán Hoan.[153] After a brief battle with Jessán, Wolverine was beaten by Sapphire Styx and Razor-Fist and delivered to Roche.[154] After surviving torture from Inquisitor, Wolverine escaped and was brutally attacked by Razor-Fist, who stabbed him in his throat and torso and left him for dead.[155] Wolverine was rescued from a harbor and looked after by Jessán.[156] After healing, Wolverine began wearing an eye patch to keep the resurrection of the X-Men a secret. After he learned that Jessán was in fact Tyger Tiger, Logan vowed to aid her in overthrowing Roche and taking his place as Madripoor's crime lord.[157] After defeating Razor-Fist, Wolverine and Tyger Tiger rescued O'Donnell, killed Roche, and Wolverine declared that he would become Tyger's conscience to remind her that if she became like Roche, he would come for her. After stating that he did not like crime lords, he let Tyger Tiger choose her own path. Tyger responded that he had won her heart and the two kissed.[158] He started using the alias \"Patch\", given to him by Razor-Fist during that fight, and alternated between a white tuxedo with an eyepatch, and a blue costume with a mask covering both eyes.[42]
His investigation into his missing memories leading nowhere, Logan rejoined the X-Men just when Magneto unleashed an electromagnetic pulse across the Earth killing thousands of innocent people. Xavier and the X-Men decided to infiltrate his space station in order to stop him once and for all. Unfortunately for the X-Men, the fight didn't go as planned, and as Magneto was about to kill Quicksilver, Wolverine intervened, slashing him with his claws and saving Pietro's life.
Magneto fell to his knees but quickly retaliated, using his powers to tear the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton, causing extensive injuries which almost killed Wolverine.[187] These injuries overloaded Wolverine's healing factor for a time, and Logan also discovered that the claws that he believed a result of the Weapon X program were in fact part of his actual bone structure due to his mutation. As a result of his injuries and the loss of his healing factor, Logan left the X-Men for a time.[188]