Prince Mohammed wants to complete construction by , but engineers say it could take years. Since the building is very long, it will be placed on supports taking into account the curvature of the Earth, and there will be a high speed railway line under it. The skyscraper will stretch from the Gulf of Aqaba through the mountain range and the coast to the desert aerotropolis . According to Salman, the project is designed so that residents can get to each other in minutes, and move from one end of the building to the other within minutes. The Line will reportedly be powered by renewable energy.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the buildings will hold million people and, in addition to a high speed train, will include a boat dock. Food for residents will be provided by vertical farming, which is planned to be integrated into the walls of the shiny buildings. According to reports, residents will be able to issue a Switzerland WhatsApp Number List subscription for three meals a day. The Line will also feature a stadium approximately m above the ground. Salman claims that the buildings will be completely carbon neutral and environmentally friendly. He also hopes that the Neom project itself will create thousands of new jobs and help the oil rich country reduce its dependence on natural resources.
Earlier, due to difficulties with financing, Saudi Arabia abandoned plans to build a skyscraper . km high, which would have become the tallest in the world. Currently, The Line and Neom are financed by high oil prices. Environmental planners also fear that The Line will disrupt the migration routes of migratory birds, and that the mirrored glazing of the buildings will confuse them even more. A wireless mouse has long ceased to be a tribute to fashion with mediocre sensors and dubious ergonomics. Modern Wireless models look cool and neat, are easy to use, ergonomic and equipped with many useful features for work.