Remember that first impressions are important. 2. Precise and concise copy The text of your CTA must motivate action , "download" or "send" are not enough to capture the attention of users. With few words you must generate curiosity or desire to obtain what you offer. Avoid being too technical with words and use action verbs that persuade people to click. 3. Be explicit with the proposal It is very important that the call to action is explicit, but without being extensive. Users who land on your CTA must know what they are clicking for ; if they are going to download an ebook, template, product demo, schedule a meeting or any other action you offer them.
They should have no doubt about what will happen when they click. In terms of accessibility, you should never use “click here” as screen readers often read the links Taiwan phone number list before the full text, and a CTA of this type does not make it explicit where it will lead or what will happen when clicked. is always to eliminate the uncertainty that any user may have. You can read more about it here: The call to action: how to make them attractive and more effective? 4. Choose the best location You must place the Call to Action in a strategic position , where people can visualize it in an infallible way.
The position will depend on the objective that is being sought. If you want the person to carefully read the entire content offer proposal before pressing the CTA, perhaps the end of the content is a good place. At that point they already have a small preview of what they can get when they click. If, on the other hand, the objective is to fill out a form, get a subscription or lead to another landing page, it is normally placed at the beginning or on one of the sides, preferably the right side following the western reading. 5. Redirect to a landing page You will achieve greater efficiency if your Call to Action directs users to a specific page and not to any page within your website.